Emmaline Hubbs

Emmaline Hubbs
Emmaline Hubbs AIAS, Architectural Intern

Emmaline is a senior at the University of Pittsburgh pursuing a BS in Architecture with a double major in Environmental Studies. She plans to pursue her Master of Architecture upon graduating this spring. At Pitt, Emmaline is part of the American Institute of Architecture Students, as well as a member of the club lacrosse team. Prior to her work at BluPath, she worked for Phipps Conservatory in Pittsburgh, on the inaugural Youth Climate Advocacy Committee, where she helped design and implement projects in the community to educate kids about climate change and mitigation strategies. At Phipps, she was enamored by the Center for Sustainable Landscapes building, which is certified by the Living Building Challenge, WELL Building Platinum, LEED Platinum, and features a manmade lagoon for natural water treatment, passive solar design, geothermal heating and cooling, a green roof, and other sustainable features. She chose BluPath because of its blending of Passive House principles with artistic design, and enjoys the integration of a robust building envelope with creative and beautiful spaces.